Our Work
The NL Housing and Homelessness Network has a comprehensive offering of programs designed to share information with stakeholders and front-line organizations across our province and to address remote and rural homelessness.
Ongoing education/training and sharing of information is a crucial part of our work. We partner with training providers to offer non-cost or low-cost training opportunities to front-line workers and organizations across our province both in-person and virtually using Zoom.
Community Advisory Boards
Across our province there are 10 Community Advisory Boards (CABs) made up of dedicated professionals working to address housing and homelessness in their communities.
CABs are structured in different ways. Some are incorporated entities with staff while others are part of a Sponsoring organization, and some are volunteer committees. Each CAB is governed by a board of directors consisting of mainly frontline workers from various backgrounds, ensuring that everyone has a voice at the table.
Provincial Conference
Traditionally the NL Housing and Homelessness Network has held an annual Provincial Conference on Remote and Rural Homelessness. These conferences allow us to bring in keynote speakers to the province and share their expertise with our CABs, regional Housing Support Workers, nonprofit organizations, and frontline workers.
We intend to host our next Provincial Conference in Spring 2023.
NAVNET Training Partnership
Navigators and Networks (also known as NAVNET) is an initiative of Eastern Health’s Mental Health and Addictions Program with the goal of addressing the systemic barriers that impact individuals with multiple and complex needs living in the St. John’s area.
Since 2009 NL Housing & Homelessness Network has partnered with NAVNET to offer regular training sessions meant to share information with other frontline agencies and staff across the province. Each session has a theme and panel speakers with expertise in the theme.
Pancake Breakfast for Homelessness
Every year on Pancake Day Community Advisory Boards and other community groups hold a Pancake Breakfast for Homelessness where they cook and serve pancakes as a fundraiser for their organization and to bring awareness to remote and rural homelessness across our province.
Visit Us
83 King Street
Grand Falls-Windsor, NL A2B 1H2
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NLHHN is a non-profit Registered Charity. Official Income Tax Receipts are available upon request. NLHHN Charitable registration number is 819391939RR0002.